
We are Team Tacobot 🌮

A team of students from The Ohio State University developed TacoBot (TAsk-oriented COllaborative taskBOT), which won the 3rd place in the first Alexa Prize TaskBot Challenge. Equipped with cutting-edge natural language processing (NLP) technologies, TacoBot assists its users to complete multi-step cooking and DIY home improvement tasks via a user-centered collaborative multimodal dialogue experience. Feedback from Alexa users guided our research on dialogue systems, such as natural language understanding, conversational search engine, and dialogue response generation. For more details, please check our report and demo.


1st Alexa Prize TaskBot Challenge (2021 - 2022)

In early 2021, Amazon announced their new Alexa Prize TaskBot Challenge. 10 teams were selected worldwide out of 125 initiated applications to participate in the challenge in May 2021 and 5 teams were selected into finals in April 2022.
In June 2022, TacoBot won the 3rd place and was the only award-winning team in the U.S.